Hi, I'm Carissa and while I have a passion for photography it all truly steams for my love of teaching! Majoring in Art Education, I truly thought my life path would be in the classroom teaching art. But since life takes weird twists and turns , I am now here and want to help other photographers how to find their best selves for their business!
Join me for a one on one editing session via zoom. Together we will edit and image from the beginning to end. I can then pass the reigns over to you as I coach you through an edit, because if you are anything like me, I do better with hands on learning.
As a BONUS I give you 10 of my GO TO ACTIONS!

Don't freeze in front of your Senior Subject! This 50+ page ebook gives detailed directions and visuals on how to pose your Senior, Teen or Tween!
I talk about my posing workflow from beginning to end and how I can get them all accomplished in a 15 minute time frame!

These fuel my soul! Let ME, help YOU! Maybe you just need to chat for an hour and bounce some ideas or maybe you need a full fledged HANDS ON approach, either way , I have something for you! Let's zoom call or even a meet in person mentorship that will help you get back to work feeling inspired and ready to tackle the world!
A one on one FULL DAY mentorship! This includes all the things, business blueprints, editing, how I run my rep team AND a custom photoshoot with a Senior model that is styled for your brand . Shoot with me and bring home images to match your brand!

Bored of creating the same ole thing time and time again? I. GET. IT. Let's think outside of the box and create something special! Feel inspired without feeling overwhelmed as I take you step by step of creating your own unique piece of art with a creative shoot. Let's make something that will have your audience stopping their scroll and forcing them to SEE YOU!