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Writer's pictureCarissa Davis

Seasoned Perfectly, finding the right time for your Senior Session.

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

This is probably the most asked questions I possibly get. When is the best time to shoot Senior Portraits? For me, there really is no BAD time. You see, I live in Texas, where I can typically shoot anytime.

Well....maybe not ANYTIME. But most.

This blog makes me laugh, because in general, there is very few days of the year I don't advise shooting. Alas, today is one of those days. We are currently in the middle of an arctic blast and currently sitting at 7 degrees and 6 inches of snow on the ground. That being said, don't think I didn't think about throwing a shoot together really fast! And then I walked outside and lasted less than 15 seconds.

Seriously.... us Texas folks are not equipped to deal with this. Canadians come get your weather it is confused! But we digress!

So when is the best time?

Well it depends on you! There are a lot of things to consider and none of them are wrong! The only thing to take into consideration is your graduating date or deadlines for yearbook or programs that you know you want your pics in. But if you nave no deadlines and want a season that suites your personality... then let's get in deep. So I am a planner, sometimes to a fault. It doesn't have to be set in stone, and I am pretty flexible, but I like to have an idea. Believe it or not , I actually have had a Senior before, so I have been on "mom" side before. So moms, this one is for you. You are investing a good amount of money in this moment for your daughter. You want to make sure you are able to display your images proudly. Something to consider for the long term, where will you be placing your prints. If you are concerned with your decor all matching like I am ( yes I am aware of how anal that sounds), then keep that in mind when picking out outfits with your daughter. If you home is decorated with warmer tones, then finding outfits for fall and shooting with changing leaves may match better. If your home is cooler tones, then shooting for spring with pastels may be the better fit. If none of that matters then, let's move on!

Summer Beauties

Senior portraits start the minute you take your last step out of school as a Junior. From that point on, you are the head honcho in that school, which means it's go time! Shooting during the summer has so many perks, but the one most ladies are concerned with, being tan! One thing I hear over and over ( and frankly makes me roll my eyes) is "Oh wow I look so tan"! Well if that is top priority grab your summer session! If shorts and summer dressed are totally your vibes then this is that time to let those legs shine! The sun also doesn't set till super late, which means your session doesn't start till the evening as it begins to cool down! Total win win!

Colors for this time of the year are vibrant! Finding those primary colors, will POP against the golden summer sun. One of my absolute favorite and most underrated months to shoot is September! Still so gorgeously summer, cooler weather and the perfect light!

Fall Fells

Is the sweater weather more your style? I totally get it! I am in a cardigan 90% of the time. It's my season too. If you are a lover of snuggling up with a sweater, creating an outfit with ALL the layers or have an obsession with boots, this is your time! Fall brings so many beautiful, rich changing colors, it's hard not to fall in love. Because you have so many options during this season the outfit possibilities are endless! And since the weather doesn't get unbearable until December, we typically get to live out fall in full force and soak up every changing leaf there is!

Spring Fever

Without a doubt my most popular sessions. And I certainly won't argue with anyone about it! My favorite places to shoot are in fields of wildflowers. Pick a flower, any flower! I have a super radar for flower fields and I am determined to shoot in every single one. If you are a lover of flowers and soft hues this is the season for you! But I will warn you, spring dates are also the first to go! You have to be on your A game to grab one these dates! But in the end they are oh so worth it!

I know what you are thinking, I am missing a season.

Is it impossible to shoot in winter? Nope, but most don't want to. But if you are one of the few brave, sometimes when we are super lucky. This is a possibility!

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